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Stolbek Robotic Sanders

Features and Benefits:

1. Speed, quality, and consistency kinda goes without saying.
2. Generally speaking, if you have 2 sanders, you will only need 1 with a robot.
3. Should be able to process between 80-100 doors a day with one operator.
4. Tends to pace the operation as people can’t go slow knowing “I have to keep up to
the robot.” And they are doing a lot less physical work themselves now that the
robot is doing the heavy lifting for sanding.
5. People feel better about themselves, they go from “A sander” to “A robot
operator”. Big self-esteem benefits.
6. Once robot programming is set up, training new people is literally minutes to get
the same finish as your tenured people. (Now the robot is the smart one)
7. If you're going to be around in 10 years, this robot is about $6.19 per hour. I don't
think there is a person left in North America willing to work for that wage, and
never ask for a raise, never say no to overtime, never miss a day of work. I could
go on, but I know you feel all the same pain. And after 10's free. Makes
people who automate VERY hard to compete with.
8. I have seen operators shift their interest from not liking sanding to wanting to run
the robot now. This Cosmo will dial in your operations with predictable and
consistent quality. It doesn't require any programming, or bar code scanning. You
don't need to be a whiz with computers to run it, so it's easy to train your workers
on it.
9. If your in the kitchen business, there is absolutely no doubt COSMO will do
everything you are asking of it. We sand Wood, MDF, primer and even sealer on
top of stain! We have the only machine I know of that doesn’t sand through on the
corners and we can sand the edges too!
10. Here are some rough time estimates for your technical people. Of course, this is
all dependent on what your sanding, but it’s a good starting point:
a. Raw MDF 1 pc doors - 45 seconds ea.
b. 1 sided primer door - 1 min 30 seconds
c. 2-sided primer door - 3 min 30 seconds

11. And the magic of this machine is something called “single piece flow”. The hand
sanding is getting done by the operator while the machine is running one door at
a time, no batch production! So, when the door leaves the sand cell, it's 100%
done and ready for the next process. So be wary of other machine people telling
you how fast their machines are, when your operators will still be left with a ton
of work after the machine.
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